Message from Head
I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you as the Head to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Bangladesh University. Computing has revolutionized our world as we know it in the past two decades and will continue to serve as the core of all technologies in the 21st century. To prepare the future leaders for these innovations, I am proud to be the Head of a department which offers B.Sc. degree programs in Computer Science & Engineering.
The Department of Computer Science at Bangladesh University provides a comprehensive education that equips our graduates with the technical skills, expert knowledge and professional ethics that are necessary to participate and play leadership roles in the digital revolution. The Department achieves this by recruiting and continuously developing high caliber teaching and research staff, stringently monitoring our teaching quality and academic programs, carrying out cutting edge research and building close collaboration with local industries in strategic areas. We stress the importance of out of classroom experience by organizing study tours, arranging student exchange programs and supporting our students when they take part in local and international IT contests and other extracurricular activities. The 3D Motion Capture Laboratory concentrates on research projects on image and motion processing technologies.
There are so many ways you can be part of and achieve in the department: come visit us and find out what opportunities we can present you as a prospective student; look to us on how to provide student talent as an employer; bring us the latest updates about what is happening with you as a graduate; explore with us on how we can facilitate collaborations either in research or education if you have any ideas of your own, etc. I am always ready to have an exchange on any of the issues related to the building of the department and will try to make these topics equally exciting to you. I hope to see you here.
Md. Sadiq Iqbal
Assistant Professor & HeadDepartment of CSE